'I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot. Together we can do great things.' Mother Theresa.
As a school, there are daily opportunities for collective where our values are reflected upon and celebrated. As well as our acts of daily worship, there are regular opportunities to worship together in Little Dewchurch, and the local community are very welcome to join us for these special services. Every Friday, we also hold a Celebration service where we celebrate special events and achievements from during our school week and also recognize children's acts of kindness, Children are also invited to bring certificates from outside school so that we can recognise and celebrate their achievements together.
During collective worship we strive to create an appropriate atmosphere within the classroom or shared space. At Little Dewchurch Primary School collective worship will be implemented in creative ways. This may be through the use of symbol and artefacts, candles, music, pictures and many other things may be used to signify the beginning of, act of and completion of collective worship. On some occasions it may be appropriate to light a candle for a specific person or purpose significant to the school community on that day to mark a moment of togetherness, or the readiness to be together in our thoughts, words and prayers.