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Little Dewchurch Primary School


All children are ‘special’, however the term ‘Special Educational Needs and Disabilities’ or SEND refers to the needs of a small proportion of children who require additional or different provision from usual, either in their own class, or with a specialist teacher or assistant for short periods or long-term.  These needs may be due to sensory (sight/hearing) impairment; physical disabilities or medical problems; learning difficulties both general and specific; emotional and behavioural difficulties; speech and/or language problems; poor attendance.  If a child’s educational progress is at risk due to any of these factors, they are considered to have ‘Special Educational Needs’.

Little Dewchurch endeavours to meet the needs of all its pupils. 

The model advocated by the SEN Code of Practice forms the basis of identifying, assessing and providing for the needs of a proportion of the school population (nationally about 18-20%), who are thought to have Special Needs.  Most of these needs are met by the teachers, teaching assistants and the SENDCo.  Some children are assessed and supported by other agencies from the Education Support Services or the Health Department.  A very small number of children nationally (about 2%) go on for Statutory Assessment and may be given an ‘Education, Health and Care Plan'.

Full copies of the school’s Policy for Special Educational Needs and the DCSF ‘Code of Practice’ documents are kept in school and are available upon request. 

At Little Dewchurch we also have in place a Disability Equality policy and Scheme which aims to ensure that all those using our facilities (including families, visitors and staff) are able to access the building comfortably, without harassment or discrimination and that all are offered equality of opportunity.

Support for the more able children

As a school, we are very conscious of the need to recognise and support our more able children.  They also have ‘Special’ educational needs. We also try to encourage the ‘talented’ pupils through organising additional visits and events, providing a wide range of extra-curricular activities and engaging the support of our Secondary schools. We are aware of the need to encourage and develop those whose skills are above average.