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Little Dewchurch Primary School

School Security

As a school community we are very aware of the need to be vigilant.  We encourage all visitors to report to the office to sign in and then out.  This also helps in the event of fire. Parent helpers and visitors will be given a badge to wear for the duration of their visit. Following recent incidents in schools nationwide, all helpers and new employees must undergo a Police check (DBS), the results of which remain confidential. 

We also ask all parents to help us by reporting to the office if collecting a child outside of normal hours. We really like to encourage the involvement of our parents/carers and appreciate your support in keeping our children safe and helping them to feel secure in the school environment. 

At the end of the school day, children must be collected by a responsible adult.

We request that children are not collected from school by older brothers/sisters/cousins etc unless they are over 18yrs of age.