Contact Us
Little-Dewchurch Primary School
Little Dewchurch
Telephone number : 01432 840645
Email address :
Opening hours are between 8:30am and 3:15pm with provision for before and after schools clubs. Please enquire at the office about these.
Our office admin, Mrs Roberts will be happy to address any enquiries you may have.
Our SENCo is Mrs Priday and she can be contacted on: 01432 266643
Head of School
Mrs Nicola Hudson
Executive Head teacher:
Mrs Beth Stevens
Due to concerns for the health and safety of all children we encourage parents/carers vehicles to be parked in the village hall car park away from the gate. Parents/carers may then stand and wait outside the gate to pick up their children. We also ask that the main gates be kept clear at all times to ensure emergency access is possible if necessary.
We are concerned for the safety of all our children – please support us in achieving this.
Should you request any further information about anything on our website, paper copies are available, free of charge.