All children receive daily reading, weekly tables and weekly spellings.
However, we expect all our children to read at home from Reception classes onwards. We find this helps consolidate the skills they learn in school, enables the children to share their learning with parents and carers and for the older ones prepares them for their secondary school routine.
Children should bring home reading books every day and parents can help us by hearing their child read. Encouragement and interest from parents make a great difference to children’s progress in school.
Learning multiplication tables and spellings are also given as homework tasks and if these improve, then Maths and English skills will generally improve with them.
If parents have any complaints about the Curriculum or the way it is being taught they should in the first instance contact Mrs Hudson. If any issue is not resolved, further complaints should then be made to the Chair of Governors.
Each class this year have been trialling sending home termly/half-termly homework tasks. These are based around different areas of the curriculum linking to one of the topics that they are learning about e.g Ancient Greece, Earth and Space etc. We feel that these tasks will consolidate what the children have been learning about in class, increase their knowledge and engagement with our wider curriculum, encourage independent research skills and enable children to explore being creative and using their strengths to demonstrate what they know. Children are awarded dojo points for each piece of homework that they bring in to school and pieces are put on display to celebrate their work.