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Little Dewchurch Primary School

Early Years information

The children in our Early Years Foundation Stage (reception) thrive in an environment crafted by skilled practitioners who understand the key principles of Early Years education. Our reception staff work closely together across the federation to ensure that each child's time in our EYFS is exciting, engaging and memorable.

We follow the statutory guidance for the EYFS and the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is completed at the end of the reception year.

Staff carefully plan next steps of learning from observing children in play. This way learning comes directly from the children's interests and individual needs. The children are nurtured to love learning in a challenging, carefully planned environment providing them with opportunities to develop their characteristics of learning thus laying the foundation for future learning success.

If you have any questions regarding the Early Years please contact Mrs Helen Osborne our Early Years Manager - hosborne@marlbrook.hereford.sch.uk or have a chat to our class 1 teacher at school.