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Little Dewchurch Primary School

Welcome to Class 1

Reception    Year 1    Year 2

Class Teacher—Mrs Jenkins
Class Assistant—Mrs Santos Cruz

Welcome to the Class 1 page! Please check here for all the terms information and notices. 

Dates for your diary

Reception parent phonics meeting-tbc

Harvest Celebration St David's Church-tbc

Individual photo's- 30.9.24

Nativity Performance-tbc

Half term-

Bedtime Stories - tbc

Parents Evening—tbc

End of Autumn term - 

Math Meeting for parents-tbc

Easter Family Craft -tbc

End of Spring term-


 This is what we are up to in class this term!

class one autumn 24 newsletter pub.pdf


Important Information

Reading book bags need to be in school every day. Please record when you hear your child read as they will be awarded a Rainbow Reader Award if they read at home 5 times in a week. 

Log in to your child’s Bug Club account to complete the phonic games and practise reading the books too. Their log in is in their reading record. This is for Year 2, Year 1 and Reception children. 

Encourage your children to log in to TTRS for their times tables practice. This is for Year 2.

Encourage and support your children in completing their home learning project and spelling practice.

Children need to be in the correct uniform and school shoes each day.

Have every item of clothing (including coats), drink bottles and lunch boxes named.

Bring spare, warm, out door clothes for forest school activities every other Friday beginning January 19th.

Each child needs a named PE kit that stays in school. Children have a weekly PE sessions.

Our ‘Show and Tell Bag’ happens weekly. Your child can bring something to share with their peers.


If you have any queries or concerns about your child don’t hesitate to speak to a staff member.

We continue to work with you as partners in your child’s education.